SEO Consultant, Philippines

I specialize in both international and local search engine optimization and PPC. I have helped my clients improve their online visibility through in-depth site audits, on page optimization, algorithmic and manual penalty recovery, conversion strategies, leads and proper site architecture.

I help businesses in many different verticals – from international lifestyle blogs to multi-location local businesses.

Independent SEO Consultant in the Philippines

Did everything you can but your website is still not getting visitors or doesn’t get conversions? If you want your business to be found by potential customers or clients online, then you need to be serious on optimizing your website for the search engines, especially Google.

Here’s why.

Ranking on top of the first page in Google’s search results can bring your business a massive amount of exposure and revenue. Although search engine optimization can be learned by anyone who wishes to, like yourself–I did in over five years and continue to do so, while providing SEO consulting services–or you can hire an expert like me to do the website auditing, planning, and strategies for you.

Search engines like Google, Yahoo! And Bing are ever-changing their guidelines and algorithms, so what’s working today might not work tomorrow. SEO requires a lot of expertise and techniques, from in-depth site analysis to implementing proper on-page optimization to creating the perfect landing pages to conversion testing…and it doesn’t end there!

Just like the human body, your website needs constant health checks and remedy what’s hurting it.

That is why current knowledge of the best SEO tools and search engines, together with a strong understanding of the business and its customers, plus expertise in converting visitors to sales are crucial to your business’ growth and thus make your SEO investment pay off.

I help my clients with the following SEO services:

A comprehensive report to find out what your competitors are doing. This includes their target keywords, on-page, and off-page optimization and conversion strategies.

Find thin content and dead weight pages and find out why your content doesn’t rank or convert. Is your bounce rate too high?

There must be something wrong with your content or the page itself. Your content could be irrelevant to the search you are targeting, not interesting enough to the user, or the page itself is not designed correctly to keep the reader scrolling down.

Sometimes, the answer is straightforward; you have thin content that needs to get beefed up.

Perform a thorough backlink analysis for both algorithmic and manual penalties. All detrimental backlinks are compiled in a report along with the reasons why they should be removed. Assistance in creating a disavow file is also provided.

My best-selling service! Most of the time, my clients are shocked at how comprehensive my site audit reports are. Once they see how their websites perform both in the back end and front end, they can’t believe it.

Internal linking can lead to higher search rankings. When correctly done, internal linking can provide a lot of power to keywords or pages you’re trying to rank for.

Analyze the website’s current keywords against competitor’s with recommendations. If you have new targets in mind, I can find the best keywords for your organic SEO or PPC campaigns.

Comes with a complete site audit, competitor analysis, and recommendations. Optimize your Google My Business profile and find business data inconsistencies that need to be fixed. Contact me if you need a local SEO expert service.

Tweak pages for optimal results and take benefit from Google’s Panda update. Easy to follow recommendations will be provided.

Did you know that currently, page speed is one of Google’s top ranking factors? Find out how your website is doing against its competitors and how to speed it up.

A well-structured website provides a lot of benefits. It will make things a lot easier for both the user and search engines. Therefore, your website visitors will stay longer and might convert into a sale and search engines can crawl your site without wasting crawl budget.

Uncover technical problems that lurk beneath the back end. These could be hurting your business website for a long time now. Find dead URLs, dead pages, incorrect robots.txt configuration, unoptimized metadata, poor schema markups and more plus recommendations on how to fix them.

I couldn't thank John enough on how he handled our business website. I don't know how he did it, but he fixed our website's technical issues, helped to redesign for conversion, tweaked on-page and fixed business info across major directories. We are now getting more phone calls than ever!
Harry Oleary
Local Business Owner

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Page Speed Optimization Boosts Organic Rankings Case Study

Page Speed Optimization Boosts Organic Rankings Case Study Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin TL;DR After fixing and optimizing everything except for page speed, I kept monitoring the site for about three months. However, there are no organic ranking and traffic improvements within the said period. After improving individual page speed and overall site speed, the website got huge gains. My goal in this case study is to prove that page speed optimization should be a top priority on the list of technical SEO.

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Free Initial Consultation

I don’t charge for the initial consultation. So if you need a traffic drop assessment, manual penalty removal, in-depth site audit, or help with recovering from an algorithmic penalty such as Panda, Penguin or any core quality update, we can talk and discuss plans first before proceeding!

Get in touch with me using the form, and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.